HOW DID INDIA'S FIRST NATIONAL AIRLINES START? It all over started, When an Indian businessman named Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata ( J.R.D TATA) came to India from France after completing his education . after coming to India he got his pilot license and he was the first Indian citizen to get a pilot license. to get more information bout J.R.D TATA click this link- On 15 October 193 2 (as Tata Airlines) airlines fly its first flight from Karachi to Bombay (Mumbai) as an Airmail service carrier named TATA AIRLINES was a private Air India had its origin as Tata Air Services later renamed to Tata Airlines. In April 1932, Tata won a contract to carry mail for Imperial Airways and the aviation department of Tata Sons was formed with two single-engine de Havilland Puss Moths . On 15 October 1932, Tata flew a Puss Moth carrying air mail from Karachi to Mumbai and the aircraft continued to Chennai p